Tuesday, May 24, 2011

#168: Eureka Gifts and Chocolates - Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth

Best Place for Chocolate Euphoria

After our second failed attempt to go to Hey Betty!, Emily and I ventured over to Eureka Gifts and Chocolates located on Copeland Street in Shadyside. Eureka is a small store filled with greeting cards, trinkets, scarves, and of course, chocolate.

We browsed the display of chocolate treasures in search of something that would satisfy a sweet tooth. Emily prefers dark chocolate where as I prefer white chocolate. Ironic? I think so. "Ebony and Ivory live together in perfect harmony." Emily decided on a piece of dark chocolate caramel and a piece of chocolate crunch (peanuts, toffee, and chocolate) and I selected a piece of white pretzel delight and a piece of white chocolate caramel. For $1.95 from the each of us, I think we made off pretty good.


24 down, 341 to go.

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