Friday, July 1, 2011

#113: The Pittsburgh Banjo Club - Bengay anyone?

Best Place to Hear a Banjo Jamboree

I like to consider myself a very open-minded individual who is willing to experience new things. From these new experiences I have learned a lot about what I like and what I don't like and I recently learned that I really really don't like Banjo music.

On Wednesday Emily and I went to Elks Lodge #339 where the Pittsburgh Banjo Club rehearses. When we entered the dining hall, I thought we had entered a retirement home with reserved tables. There were senior citizens EVERYWHERE. We immediately grabbed a table to absorb the sounds of the Banjo Club.

Sing-Along books were available for listeners to join in on the songs. In honor of the first day of summer, the club played "Roll Out Those Lazy Hazy Crazy Days of Summer" by Nat King Cole. Emily and I listened to a few songs until my ears began to bleed (not really) and we left. Never again.


56 down, 309 to go.

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